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Meeting – Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present: Sara Fiore, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Sandra Power, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.  Absent: Marcia Lambert, Bev Moustakis, Maryanne Piechocki   Visitor:  Benjamin Bouchard
The Meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M.

In the absence of Committee Chairperson, Marcia Lambert, those present selected Mary Ellen to Chair the Meeting.
The minutes of meeting held November 23, 2010 were approved as written.

Old Business

  • Plant Sale -  Ben Bouchard from the Chamber of Commerce was introduced.  He had come to the meeting to see if the Committee would be interested in participating in the  Living Green Fair which is scheduled to be held at the Old Town Hall on May 21, 2011.  The event is sponsored by the Chamber, Salem Recycles and the Renewal Energy Taskforce.  The Committee was asked whether it would be interested in holding its annual Plant Sale on the May 21st date.   The discussion that followed focused on the pros and cons of changing our scheduled event date, on holding a one day sale instead of a two day sale and on the change of location from the Common to the “patio” and stairs behind the Town Hall as the event site.  Following the discussion     
A Motion to join the Living Green Fair event invitation by moving Plant Sale from the Common to the Derby Square for a one day sale on May 21st was offered, seconded and passed.  

The possibility of holding a raffle for baskets, wreaths and or window boxes or holding an educational session was discussed.  Mary Ellen and Sam will explore some ideas. Mary Ellen will also contact a resource of hers who is well versed in composting to see wheater she would be interested in giving a talk on the topic.  

Details regarding joint marketing of the event and other issues are yet to be addressed.  

  •  Lady of Salem - Mary Ellen reported that Maryanne and Sam met with the Mayor who was enthusiastic about the project.   The Mayor is to put a “letter of introduction” together for use in generating community interest in the project.  The group and the Mayor are to meet again.  The group has met with other businesses that are interested in the project.  The group has received a grant of $750.00.  The fact that many contacts are unaware of the Beautification Committee and do not know what the Committee does is concerning.  In order to address this handicap the sub Committee is revising the “business plan” it presents when introducing the project to incorporate information about the Committee and to identify those who are on the Lady of Salem sub Committee.  Mary Ellen also reported the names of recent project volunteers.
  • Clean Sweeps - Ellen noted that the date of the event is to being changed to May 7, 2011 due to scheduling conflicts.  She will advise the Salem Recycling Committee of the change.
  • Public Spaces – This item was tabled due to Marcia Lambert’s absence.
  • Other
  • Traffic Islands - Sandi reported that she and Ellen will meet soon to get the 2011 traffic island season up and running.
  • The issue regarding the need for additional Committee members was discussed.  Ellen is to contact Jason Silva to ask for assistance.
A motion to adjourn was offered, seconded and passed.  The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting: February 22, 2011
Chairperson:   Marcia Lambert